
1990/1992 – HRFT Treatment Centers Report


The fight tor human rights in Turkey which acquired a significant status with the establishment in 1986 of the Human Rights Association (IHD) assumed greater proportions with the establishment in 1990 of the Turkish Human Rights Foundation (TİHV). The present report is the first document testifying to the medical investigations by the TIHV which are about to be given “institutional” status. The TIHV, which has never published a report on medical investigations, will as of April 1993 publish annually a medical report on human rights violations in the country.

This report which covers the medical investigations conducted by the TIHV between 1990-92 is also the story of an attempt at institutionalization. Therefore, it teems with problems encountered during the process. However, it would not be too much to say that the TIHV has managed to eliminate the greater part of the problems that emerged on the way. This has been possible only through the invaluable assistance of the IHD, the Turkish Physicians Association, and other democratic institutions. Another organization TIHV feels indebted to is that comprising of an army of volunteer workers, a perfect example of popular solidarity.

By reason of this being the first report by the TIHV, references are made to previous work by the foundation, however the greater portion of the report deals with the medical investigation and other research conducted under the aegis of the foundation. Created with the eager participation of volunteers and foundation staff, the report deals will be evaluated according to criteria applied by the TIHV and other institutions established to safeguard human rights, and future work will be conducted along the same lines.