
4 October 2024 HRFT Documentation Center Daily Human Rights Report

Human Rights Foundation of Turkey Documentation Center[1][2][3][4][5]

04 October 2024 Daily Human Rights Report

(10/040) Male Violence Monitoring Report…

According to the ‘Male Violence Monitoring Report’ published by Bianet on 3 October 2024, at least 33 women and 1 child were killed by men across Turkey in September 2024. It is also stated in the report that men inflicted violence on at least 45 women, harassed 8 women, abused 14 children, and forced 61 women to sex work. Accordingly, in the first 9 months of 2024, men killed at least 278 women.

(10/041) A Person Lost His Life and a Police Officer was Wounded in Istanbul…

It is learned from the news coverage of October 4, 2024 that, 1 person named Emrah Erol (25, m) was shot and died when he allegedly opened fire at the police during an operation in the Tuzla district of Istanbul on October 3, 2024. 1 police officer was wounded during the clash. It is also reported in the news that Çağrı G. (30, m) and Ferhat İ. (21, m), who were in the house, were detained.

The Governorate of Istanbul made the following statement on the subject on 3 October 2024: “On 03.10.2024 at around 17.00, an operation was carried out by the Istanbul Security Directorate against a residence address within the scope of the activities carried out against wanted persons in Tepeören neighborhood of Tuzla district. During the operation, a police officer was seriously wounded as a result of gunfire opened from inside the residence. The wounded police officer was taken to hospital for treatment and his life is still in danger. In the ongoing operation carried out by the special movement units, the person named E.E. who was inside the residence was captured dead, and the persons named F.İ. and Ç.G. were captured and detained (…)’.

(10/042) Suspicious Police Death in Siirt…

It is learned from the news coverage of 4 October 2024 that, Fikret Bal (56, m), a retired police officer in Siirt was found dead in a car stopped on a ring road and Siirt Public Prosecutor’s Office initiated an investigation on the incident.

(10/043) Torture and Other Ill-Treatment in Çankırı…

It is learned from the news coverage of October 4, 2024 that, a police officer used physical violence against C.A.C. after a quarrel between the police officers and C.A.C., an employee of a gas station in central district of Çankırı on October 3, 2024; and that a judicial and administrative investigation was initiated.

The Governorate of Çankırı made the following statement on the subject on 3 October 2024: “On 03.10.2024 Thursday around 09.15 at a petrol station in the provincial center, there was a quarrel and brawl between the Special Operations Police and the staff working at the petrol station and the matter was referred to the Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office. A judicial and administrative investigation has been initiated against the persons involved in the incident”.

(10/044) Alleged Suicide Attempt in Prison…

It is claimed in the news coverage of October 3, 2024 that, Mizgin Acar, a prisoner in Elazığ High Security Prison who was brought to Mardin E Type Prison on September 30, 2024 for the final trial of the case against him, attempted suicide in prison on October 1, 2024. It is also reported in the news that Mizgin Acar is still in the intensive care unit of Mardin Training and Research Hospital.

(10/045) Torture and Other Ill-Treatment in Prison…

It is claimed in the news coverage of October 4, 2024 that, 1 female prisoner of Syrian nationality, who was arrested in Antep on the charge of ‘being a member of an illegal organization’ and was kept in Antep L Type Prison, gave birth on September 5, 2024. It is claimed that she was interviewed by persons whose duty and authority are unknown, and that she was threatened with her baby during the interview and was pressured to become a confessor. It is also reported in the news that the woman prisoner was transferred to Diyarbakır Women’s Closed Prison against her will on 17 September 2024.

(10/046) Prevention of Right to Access Health in Prison…

It is learned from the news coverage of 4 October 2024 that, 1 prisoner of Syrian nationality in Diyarbakır Women’s Closed Prison, who gave birth on 5 September 2024, has been taken to infirmary with her baby only twice since she gave birth, and the vitamin D needed by the baby was given late by the prison administration.

It is learned from the news coverage of October 4, 2024 that, Abdurrahman Gemicioğlu, an ill prisoner with various health problems including colon cancer, who was taken under treatment at Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Dursun Odabaş Medical Centre after being admitted to Van High Security Prison, was taken back to prison before his treatment was completed and his treatment will be continued in the prison infirmary. Elif Gemicioğlu, daughter of Abdurrahman Gemicioğlu, stated the following to the press: “My father’s intestines were outside his body for 6 months and he was being treated in this way. One month ago, his intestines were brought back inside. My father has a colonoscopy appointment on 9 October. Two days ago, he was hospitalized due to heart disease. (…) In addition to all these serious diseases, my father also has high blood pressure and diabetes. He has been taking antidepressant medication recently. He suffers from memory loss at certain intervals. Even now he is not in a condition to realize what has happened to him (…) He has been receiving treatment in many hospitals for about two years due to his severe illnesses. My father’s health condition is very serious and he is unable to meet his basic needs in prison (…). I want him to be released immediately and his treatment to be resumed”.

(10/047) Meeting Request with Abdullah Öcalan not Responded to…

It is learned that the appeal made on October 4, 2024, to the Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office in Bursa by PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan’s family and tutelary along with the families and tutelary of Ömer Hayri Konar, Hamili Yıldırım and Veysi Aktaş in İmralı Prison was not responded.

(10/048) Police Intervention Against a March in Ankara…

On 4 October 2024, the police intervened against members of the Association for Solidarity with Families of Prisoners and Detainees (TAYAD) who were marching from Yüksel Street in the Çankaya district of Ankara to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) demanding the closure of Type Y and Type S prisons and detained 5 people by using torture and ill-treatment. The names of the detainees are Ferdi Sarıkaya, Arif Pelit, Deniz Aydın, Orhan Şahin, and Feridun Osmanağaoğlu.

(10/049) Party Executives and Others Detained in Aydın…

On October 4, 2024, 7 people including Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Germencik district executive Görkem Özyürek and Sedanur Aydın, DEM Party Efeler district executive Helin Uçar were detained in house raids in Aydın. It is learned that a confidentiality order is issued for the investigation file and detainees are restricted from seeing their lawyers for 24 hours. The reason for the detentions could not be learned.

(10/050) Person Detained in Ağrı for Social Media Posts…

On October 3, 2024, Adem Pürnek was detained in Ağrı on the allegations of ‘making propaganda for an illegal organization’ for a post he made on a social media platform in 2015.

(10/051) People Detained in Çanakkale for Social Media Posts…

On October 4, 2024, 3 people were detained in house raids in Çanakkale on the allegations of ‘making propaganda for an illegal organization’ through social media posts. The names of the detained people are Baran Altay, Sergen Sucu, and Azat Kaya.

(10/052) Person Arrested in Hakkari…

It is learned from the news coverage of October 4, 2024, that, 1 person (Abdurrahman Gemicioğlu) was detained in a house raid and was arrested after 8 years and 9 months of jail sentence was approved by Penal Department No. 3 of the Supreme Court of Appeals, and was taken to Van High-Security Prison.

(10/053) Person Arrested in Balıkesir for Social Media Posts…

It is learned from the news coverage of 3 October 2024 that, İsmail Y. (36, m), a public officer in Balıkesir Savaştepe Municipality, was detained on the grounds of social media posts and was arrested by the criminal peace judgeship on the charges of ‘opposition to the Law on Crimes Committed Against Atatürk’ and ‘provoking hatred and hostility among public’.

(10/054) Former Bar Association Chair on Trial in Diyarbakır…

The final trial of the case against lawyer Mehmet Emin Aktar, former chair of Diyarbakır Bar Association, on the grounds of ‘targeting people who took part in the fight against terrorism’ for sharing the minutes of the search of his office, was held at Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No 5 on 3 October 2024. The court acquitted Mehmet Emin Aktar.

(10/055) Lawyer on Trial in Diyarbakır…

The final trial of the case against lawyer Gurbet Özbey Öner, a member of the Lawyers’ Association for Freedom (ÖHD), was held at Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No 5 on October 3, 2024. The court acquitted Gurbet Özbey Öner on the charge of ‘being a member of an illegal organization’ and lifted the judicial control conditions on her.

(10/056) Former Party Executives on Trial in Izmir…

The first trial of the case against Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Izmir former provincial co-chairs Çınar Altan and Berna Çelik started to be held at Izmir Heavy Penal Court No 13 on October 4, 2024. The indictment demands a sentence for 2 people on the charges of ‘being a member of an illegal organization’ and ‘making propaganda for an illegal organization’. After defense hearings, the court decided to continue the detention of Berna Çelik and Çınar Altan and adjourned the trial to 15 January 2025.

Çınar Altan and Berna Çelik were arrested on 9 October 2023.

(10/057) Lawyer on Trial in Diyarbakır…

The final trial of the case against lawyer Serhat Hezer, a member of ÖHD Diyarbakır Branch, was held at Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No 5 on October 3, 2024. The court acquitted Serhat Hezer on the charge of ‘being a member of an illegal organization’ and lifted the judicial control conditions on him.

(10/058) Lawyer on Trial in Diyarbakır…

The trial of the case against lawyer Necat Çiçek, executive board member of ÖHD Diyarbakır Branch, for his professional activities and press statements he attended, was held at Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No 5 on October 3, 2024. The indictment demands a sentence for the lawyer on the charge of ‘being a member of an illegal organization’. The court decided to continue judicial control conditions on Necat Çiçek and adjourned the trial to 12 December 2024.

(10/059) Lawyer on Trial in Diyarbakır…

The trial of the case against lawyer Adile Salman, executive of ÖHD Diyarbakır Branch, for her professional activities, continued on October 3, 2024 at Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No 5. The indictment demands a sentence for the lawyer on the charge of ‘being a member of an illegal organization’. The court adjourned the trial to 12 December 2024.

(10/060) Journalist on Trial in Ankara…

It is learned from the news coverage of 3 October 2024 that, the indictment of the Ankara Public Prosecutor’s Office against JINNEWS reporter Melek Avcı, on the grounds of her social media posts, was accepted by Ankara Heavy Penal Court No 19. The indictment demands a sentence for the journalist on the charge of ‘making propaganda for an illegal organization’.

(10/061) Journalist on Trial in Diyarbakır…

It is learned from the news coverage of October 3, 2024, that, Diyarbakır Penal Court of First Instance No 2 accepted the indictment of the Diyarbakır Public Prosecutor’s Office against İdris Yayla, owner of Jiyan News, for reporting on the allegations that a man named Baran Kızıl attempted to sexually assault a woman named İ.G. in Diyarbakır by saying ‘the state is behind me’, upon the complaint of Baran Kızıl. The indictment demands a sentence for the journalist on the charge of ‘insult through an audio, written or video communication’.

(10/062) The KCK Press Case…

The trial of the case against 46 journalists, known as ‘KCK Press Case’, continued on 3 October 2024 at Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 3. The court adjourned the hearing to 23 January 2025.

(10/063) Saturday Mothers/People on Trial…

The case against 20 people (Besna Tosun, Maside Ocak, Hasan Karakoç, Meriç Eyüboğlu, Cüneyt Yılmaz, Leman Yurtsever, Ali Tosun, Ali Ocak, Selvi Gülmez, Hanife Yıldız, Mikail Kırbayır, İrfan Bilgin, Hünkar Yurtsever, Sebla Arcan, Hatice Korkmaz, İsmail Yücel, Meryem Bars, Aylin Tekiner, İkbal Eren, Mukaddes Şamiloğlu), who were detained during the police intervention against the peaceful meeting of Saturday Mothers/People on 10 June 2023, continued at Istanbul Penal Court of First Instance No 39 on October 4, 2024. The court acquitted 20 people on the charge of ‘violating Law No 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations’.

(10/064) The DİAYDER Case…

The trial of the case against 22 members and executives of the Religious Scholars Assistance and Solidarity Association (DİAYDER) continued on October 3, 2024, at Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 14. The indictment demands sentence for 22 people on the charges of ‘being a member of an illegal organization’ and ‘making propaganda for an illegal organization’. The prosecutor declared the final opinion on the case and demanded a sentence for 19 of the 22 people on the charge of ‘being a member of an illegal organization’ and 3 people on the charge of ‘aiding an illegal organization’. The court adjourned the trial to 24-25 October 2024.

(10/065) Police Officer on Trial in Istanbul…

The final trial of the case against police chief Hanifi Zengin, about the detention of Ekinsu Danış, advisor of Labour Party (EMEP) MP İskender Bayhan, by torture and ill-treatment during the 957th-week protest of Saturday Mothers/People, was held at Istanbul Penal Court of First Instance No 16 on October 3, 2024. The court acquitted the defendant police officer Hanifi Zengin on the charge of ‘simple injury’.

(10/066) Person on Trial for an Attack on a Party Building…

On 3 October 2024, the first trial of the case against A.C., for the attempted attack with flammable materials against the building shared by HDP and Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) in Seyhan district of Adana on 20 August 2023, started at Adana Penal Court of First Instance No 8. The indictment demands a sentence for A.C. on the charge of ‘threatening with a weapon’. The court adjourned the trial to 20 February 2025.

(10/067) People on Trial for the Armed Attack Against a Party Member…

It is learned from the news coverage of 4 October 2024 that, Kayseri Heavy Penal Court accepted the indictment of Kayseri Public Prosecutor’s Office against Ejder Uzunluoğlu and Mehmet Uzunluoğlu, in relation to Şerafettin Bahadır, elected council member from Republican People’s Party (CHP) in Pınarbaşı district of Kayseri, who was subjected to physical and armed assault of people reported to be members of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) on 21 June 2024. The indictment demands a sentence for 2 people on the charges of ‘attempted intentional killing’ and ‘damage to property’.

(10/068) Women Under Investigation in Muğla for a Peaceful March…

It is learned from the news coverage of 3 October 2024 that, the Muğla Public Prosecutor’s Office initiated an investigation on the charge of ‘opposing to Law No 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations’ against 8 women who marched from Sınırsızlık Square in Muğla to Muğla Courthouse on 27 August 2024, to protest the killing of Senem Kıvrık by Muhittin Kıvrık, a man she was in the process of divorce, and 7 women gave official statements through the investigation on 3 October 2024.

(10/069) Journalist Under Investigation…

It is learned from the news coverage of October 4, 2024, that, the investigation against Gazete Duvar reporter Cihan Başakçıoğlu, who was detained on February 13, 2024, on the grounds of ‘being a member of an illegal organization’ through an investigation of the Izmir Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office, has been declared as ‘no grounds for prosecution’.

(10/070) Constitutional Court Decision on BİK Fines Given to Newspapers…

It is learned from the news coverage of 4 October 2024 that the Constitutional Court, which evaluated the individual applications made by newspapers Evrensel, Cumhuriyet, BirGün, Sözcü and Tunceli Emek against the decisions of the Press Advertisement Agency (BİK) to cut advertisements of these newspapers, ruled that freedom of expression and press freedom were violated, that the decision should be sent to the relevant courts for retrial and that the applicants should be paid 30.000 Turkish Liras each.

(10/071) Proceedings Against MPs…

It is learned from the news coverage of 4 October 2024 that, 7 proceedings demanding the lift of impunity of 7 parliamentary members were sent to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (‘TBMM’).

Members of parliament against whom proceedings have been prepared:

  • CHP Izmir MP Ahmet Tuncay Özkan,
  • CHP Izmir MP Mahir Polat,
  • Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Erzurum MP Meral Danış Beştaş,
  • DEM Party Istanbul Deputy Cengiz Cicek,
  • Democrat Party Istanbul Deputy Cemal Enginyurt,
  • MHP Kayseri MP Mustafa Baki Ersoy,
  • IYI Party Balıkesir Deputy Turhan Çömez.

(10/072) Research Assistant Removed from School Accompanied by Police in Izmir…

It is learned from the news coverage of 4 October 2024 that, Sibel Bekiroğlu, a research assistant in the Department of Sociology at Izmir Katip Çelebi University, who is a signatory of the Academics for Peace (BAK) petition, and who was dismissed from the university on the grounds of ‘not declaring her willingness to work’ and ‘her services are not needed’, recorded the fact that the university administration did not contact her to inform her about the issue, and her report was rejected by the Dean’s Office of Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities on the grounds that ‘they do not have a document recording unit’; and that Sibel Bekiroğlu reacted to this situation and was escorted out of the university by security personnel and police officers of Anti-Terror Department (TEM).

Sibel Bekiroğlu stated the following to the press: “I asked why I was not contacted during working hours. Şaban Doğan, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, stated that he did not need the services of someone who did not respond to the document he sent. However, all research assistants who were requested by the faculty to extend their tenure like me were contacted, but I was not contacted in any way. They said that they would not receive petitions and that they did not have a document recording unit. However, I knew that they were distorting the truth because a petition is a right and not receiving it is a crime. When we said that the report should be taken with my witnesses, the dean’s chief of staff said, ‘Leave this place, I will call security’. Suddenly 6-7 security guards came to the door. Then the police from the ‘terror unit’ arrived. Afterward, they had to take the petition and we learned that there was a document registration unit. In this way, I packed my belongings and left the school.’

(10/073) Concert Canceled by the Governorate of Siirt…

It is learned from the news coverage of October 3, 2024, that, the concert of Kurdish musician Seyidxan Sevinç, which was to be held in a hall in Siirt on October 4, 2024, was cancelled by the governorate on the grounds of ‘unsuitability of the hall’, and that the concert will be held in Siirt Bar Association Conference Hall after the cancellation.

(10/074) Documentary Banned by the Governorate of Antalya…

It is learned from the news coverage of October 4, 2024 that, The Governorate of Antalya banned the screening of the documentary ‘Kanun Hükmü’ on October 3, 2024, in the Free Orange Film Days event organized by Art for Freedom Initiative in Antalya between October 3-6, 2024, on the grounds of ‘preventing tension between different groups’ and ‘protection of public peace and security, public morality and rights of others’. It is reported that Antalya Governorate sent a notification to Nejla Demirci, the director of the documentary, and banned all actions, events, and screenings related to the documentary between 2 October 2024 and 16 October 2024.

It was also reported in the news that the notification sent to Nejla Demirci claimed that the documentary was a ‘provocative’ production that ‘damages national unity and solidarity’, ‘incites a segment of the public with different characteristics to “hatred and hostility” against the other segment’ and therefore posed a risk and danger.

(10/075) Special Security Zone in Van…

The Governorate of Van announced on 3 October 2024 that the areas of Başkale District Karsız Tepe, Kanlı Geçit Sırtı, Beyazpur Tepe, Sivri Tepe Avcılar Tepe Sivritaş Tepe, Tozlu Sırtı, Art Tepe, Uçdere, Bedi Sırtı were declared as temporary special security zones for 15 days between 3 October 2024 and 17 October 2024, and entry into these zones are prohibited.

(10/076) Ban of Access to Web Content…

It is learned from the news coverage of 3 October 2024 that, 1 news report on, about İsrafil Demir, who was detained through a forgery operation in the United States, appearing on stage with the President, was banned from access by Ankara Gölbaşı Criminal Peace Judgeship on 1 October 2024.

[1]The reports on the human rights violations of the Documentation Center are claims unless they are certified. The claim of violation either is certified through thoroughly investigations of HRFT Documentation Center, including by judicial verdicts, and becomes a definite data or it is not included to the annual report.

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[5] Daily Human Rights Reports are prepared on the information gathered by the Documentation Center from its own network and the following dailies and internet portals: Vatan, Milliyet, Hürriyet, Habertürk, Evrensel, Birgün, Cumhuriyet, Fırat Haber Ajansı, Jinnews, ETHA, Mezopotamya Ajansı, Yurt, Yeni Yaşam, NTV, Yeni Asya, Bianet,, Cnnturk, Tr724, İleri Haber, Siyasi Haber, Alınteri, Kızılbayrak,, Yüksekova Haber, T24, Diken, Gazete Karınca, Gazete Duvar. Haber Sol, El Cezire, BBC, Deutsche Welle, Reuters, AFP.