
28-30 September 2024 HRFT Documentation Center Daily Human Rights Report

Human Rights Foundation of Turkey Documentation Center[1][2][3][4][5]

28-30 September 2024 Daily Human Rights Report

(09/298) Suspicious Death in Ağrı…

It is learned from the news coverage of September 27, 2024, that, Ömer Deniz (33, m), who was found dead on September 26, 2024, in Tirkmene rural area of Doğubeyazıt district of Ağrı, 200 meters away from a military point, was found to have been shot with a firearm in the preliminary autopsy report and Doğubayazıt Public Prosecutor’s Office decided to keep the investigation file confidential.

(09/299) Suspicious Death in Mardin…

It is learned from the news coverage of 28 September 2024 that, Sabri Kıran (41, m), who was not heard from since 27 September 2024, was found dead near Yıldırım Primary School in the Yeşilkent neighborhood of Nusaybin district of Mardin. It is also reported in the news that an investigation has been initiated.

(09/300) Person Subjected to Physical Violence by People Alleged to be Members of Ülkü Ocakları at University…

It is learned from the news coverage of 27 September 2024 that, on 23 September 2024, a student of Gazi University in Ankara, a member of the Communist Movement of Turkey (TKH) was subjected to physical violence by at least 6 members of Ülkü Ocakları in the university and was injured. It is also reported in the news that the student who was subjected to physical violence got a medical report documenting the violence and filed a criminal complaint to the Ankara Public Prosecutor’s Office.

(09/301) Armed Attack Against a Party Building in Istanbul…

It is learned that on September 28, 2024, the Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) building in the Sultangazi district of Istanbul was subjected to an armed attack by a person named M.K. and material damage occurred. General Directorate of Security announced on 29 September 2024 that M.K. and a person named T.Ç., who were in contact with M.K. before the attack, were detained and a person named İ.G. is still being searched.

(09/302) Journalist Threatened with Death by Municipal Security Officer…

It is learned that on September 27, 2024, Mezopotamya Agency reporter Mehmet Aslan was prevented by private security guards from taking news footage during the sit-in protest against dismissals and violations of labor rights in front of Çankaya Municipality in Ankara with the call of Private Sector Teachers’ Union and that a private security guard threatened the journalist with the words “I will kill you” and Mehmet Aslan was taken away from the area by 3 anonymous people.

(09/303) Torture and Other Ill-Treatment in Prison…

It is learned from the news coverage of 27 September 2024 that, a letter written by Mansur Zan, a prisoner in Kırşehir High-Security Prison, about rights violations in prison and sent to Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Group Deputy Chair Sezai Temelli, was seized by the prison administration on the grounds of “creating a negative agenda against the Penal Institution”.

(09/304) Prevention of Right to Access Health in Prison…

It is learned from the news coverage of 29 September 2024 that, prisoners in Van High-Security Closed Prison, Van T Type Closed Prison, Van M Type Closed Prison, and Van F Type High-Security Prison had to wait at least three weeks to go to the infirmary.

(09/305) Private Security Intervention Against a Sit-in Protest in Ankara…

It is learned that on 27 September 2024, private security guards of the municipality intervened against teachers who staged a sit-in protest against dismissals and violations of labor rights in front of the Çankaya Municipality in Ankara, with the call of Private Sector Teachers’ Union, and attempted to seize banners and placards of the sit-in protesters, and committed physical violence against 5 people.

(09/306) Journalist Detained in Van…

It is learned that on 28 September 2024, journalists Kadir Cesur and Ruşen Takva were detained by soldiers in the Özalp district of Van, on the grounds of ‘entering a private security zone’ and the cameras used by journalists were seized by the prosecutor’s office at the police station where they were taken. Journalists were released the same day.

(09/307) A Journalist and Others Detained and Arrested in Izmir…

3 of the 4 people (Mücadele Birliği Newspaper reporter Lütfiye Burcu Kara, Organization Specialist of Yapı Yol İş Union Evrim Özten and Cemal Kara, a member of Revolutionary Student Union) who were detained on 25 September 2024 in Izmir, on the grounds of ‘distributing leaflets’, ‘hanging posters’, ‘participating in demonstrations and events’, ‘giving ideological education’ and ‘recruiting members to an illegal organization’, were arrested by the criminal peace judgeship on the charge of ‘being a member of an illegal organization’ on September 27, 2024. 1 person, whose name is unknown, was released by the criminal peace judgeship on judicial control conditions on the same date.

(09/308) Journalist Detained in Bursa…

It is learned from the news coverage of 29 September 2024 that, Elif Çakır, columnist of Karar newspaper, was detained in a hotel in Bursa on 28 September 2024; the detention continued although the Turkish ID number on the detention warrant did not match the Turkish ID number of journalist Elif Çakır; that Elif Çakır was subjected to ill-treatment by the police officers during this process; and that Elif Çakır was released after it was realized that the detention warrant was not for journalist Elif Çakır.

Bursa Security Directorate announced on 29 September 2024 that no official detention was made against journalist Elif Çakır and that necessary procedures were initiated against the hotel in question due to ‘incorrect data entry’.

(09/309) Party and Association Executives Detained and Arrested in Istanbul…

5 of 6 people [DEM Party executive Yusuf Meniye, DEM Party Arnavutköy District Organization executive Hayrettin Erikli, Democratic Regions Party (DBP) executive Mustafa Kızılaya, Peoples’ Democratic Congress (HDK) worker Şamil Altan, Marmara Association for Assistance and Solidarity with Detained and Convicted Families (MATUHAY-DER) executive Kalo Bozutmak] who were detained on 24 September 2024 in Istanbul were released after statement procedures at the prosecutor’s office on 27 September 2024. Regional Co-spokesperson Dilber Demir was arrested by the criminal peace judgeship on the allegation of ‘being a member of an illegal organization’.

(09/310) People Detained and Arrested in Diyarbakır, Izmir, and Istanbul…

14 out of the 30 people (MED-DER co-chairs Şükran Yakut and Mehmet Remzi Azizoğlu, İpek Oyur, Berivan Duman, Rezan Aktulum, Beritan Gürbet Orak, Belkis Süleymanoğlu Bitkin, Şilan Elmas Kan, Mine Karakaş, Mehmet Salih Öngün, Rojda Yıldız, Ayhan Karatekin, Dilan Güvenç and İlyas Gün), who were detained on 24 and 25 September 2024 through an investigation by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office, were released by the criminal peace judgeship on 27 September 2024 on judicial control conditions. Rıfat Ronî, former co-chair of MED-DER, was arrested on the grounds of ‘being a member of an illegal organization’.

Among the 30 people detained through this investigation, Cihat Güney, owner of Payîz Pirtûk, was released after statement procedures at the prosecutor’s office on 25 September 2024. 1 person (Mustafa Açmaz) was released after statement procedures at the prosecutor’s office on 26 September 2024. On 27 September 2024, 6 people (Niştiman Gül, Nazan Çelik, Şehriban Akçatulum, Mehmet Selim Temel, Hebun Yağmur, Hasan İkvan) were released after statement procedures at the police while 7 people (Hasan Gürpınar, Rabia Karayıl, Ramazan Holat, Yaşar Aslan, Ahmet Boltan, Fatma İgin, Cihat Çağrıcı) were released after statement procedures at the prosecutor’s office. The detention period of the people detained within the scope of this investigation was extended for 24 hours twice in total, once on 25 September 2024 and once on 26 September 2024.

(09/311) Person Arrested in Erzurum…

It is learned from the news coverage of 28 September 2024 that, a person named Y.E. (39, m) was detained in the Palandöken district of Erzurum on the grounds of attacking a bust of Atatürk in a school garden with an axe and was arrested by the criminal peace judgeship.

(09/312) Journalist on Trial in Istanbul…

The trial of the case against journalist Evrim Kepenek, on the grounds of a news report she made in 2022, continued on 27 September 2024 at Istanbul Büyükçekmece Penal Court of First Instance No 9. The indictment demands a sentence for the journalist on the charge of ‘violating the confidentiality of the investigation’. The court adjourned the hearing to 24 January 2025.

(09/313) Party Executive on Trial in Adana…

It is learned from the news coverage of September 28, 2024, that, the indictment of the Adana Public Prosecutor’s Office against Mehmet Kıran, executive of DEM Party Adana Karataş District Organization, on the grounds of police intervention to the Respect for Will March in Adana on July 1, 2024, called by DEM Party, was accepted by Adana Penal Court of First Instance No 28. The indictment demands a sentence for Mehmet Kıran on the charge of ‘resisting to prevent duty’. The first trial of the case will be held on 12 December 2024.

(09/314) Persons on Trial Regarding the Lynching Attempt against the Former Party Chairman…

On September 27, 2024, the final trial of the case against 48 people, on the case where Republican People’s Party (CHP) chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu was physically assaulted and attempted to be lynched by a group of people in the Akkuzulu neighborhood of Çubuk district of Ankara, where he went to attend the funeral of contracted soldier Yener Kırıkçı, who died during a military operation in Hakkari on April 21, 2019, was held at Çubuk Penal Court of First Instance No 2. The court sentenced 28 people to 3 years and 4 months each for ‘deprivation of liberty’, 4 people to 2 years and 6 months each for ‘deprivation of liberty’ and ‘ inciting to commit a crime’, 2 people to 5 years and 5 months each for ‘deprivation of liberty by using force and threat’, 4 people to 5 years and 5 months each for ‘deprivation of liberty by using force and threat’, 1 person to 7 years and 15 days imprisonment for ‘insulting a public officer on duty’, ‘deprivation of liberty by force and threat’ and ‘simple injury against a public officer’, 1 person to 4 years 4 months and 15 days imprisonment for ‘insulting a public officer on duty’ and ‘deprivation of liberty’, 1 person to be sentenced to 1 year 8 months and 18 days imprisonment and the sentence to be postponed, 1 person to be sentenced to 7 months and 15 days imprisonment for ‘simple injury against a public officer’ and the sentence to be postponed, to postpone the prison sentences of children B. S., M.Y., N.K. and Y.G. and acquitted 1 person.

(09/315) People on Trial in Mardin…

The final trial of the case against 12 people who were detained in the Dargeçit district of Mardin on September 19, 2022, while protesting the killing of Pakistan Demir Öner by her husband Mehmet Emin Öner on September 16, 2022, was held at Dargeçit Criminal Court of First Instance on September 27, 2024. The court acquitted 12 people on the charge of ‘opposing Law No 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations’.

(09/316) Journalist Under Investigation…

It is learned from the news coverage of September 27, 2024, that the investigation against journalist Mehmet Murat Yıldırım, executive editor of Özgür Yurttaş News, on the grounds of ‘making propaganda for an illegal organization’ through his news reports and social media posts, was initiated by Konya Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office and the investigation file was transferred to Aydın Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office due to the decision of lack of jurisdiction and a warrant was issued for the arrest of the journalist by Aydın Criminal Peace Judgeship No 2.

(09/317) Party Executive Under Investigation for Social Media Posts…

It is learned from the news coverage of 28 September 2024 that, an investigation was initiated against SOL Party Muğla provincial chair Zekeriya Kaygun, for his statements on social media criticizing the appointment of Osman Raşit Akın, former chair of Ensar Foundation Muğla branch, as the dean of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Faculty of Education in April 2024; and that Zekeriya Kaygun gave his official statement through the investigation on 24 September 2024.

(09/318) Special Security Zone in Diyarbakır…

The Governorate of Diyarbakır announced on September 28, 2024, that Şinak Tepe East between Simetok, Gühermi, and Nedrehuş hamlets in the Yaylak neighborhood of Diyarbakır Kulp district was declared as a temporary special security zone for 1 day from September 29, 2024, to September 30, 2024, and it is forbidden to enter the area without permission of the Governorate.

(09/319) Special Security Zone in Şırnak…

The Governorate of Şırnak announced on 28 September 2024 that Bestler Dereler Region in the central district of Şırnak, Gabar Mountain Region in the central and Güçlükonak districts of Şırnak, Cudi Mountain Region in the central, Silopi and Cizre districts of Şırnak, Kurt Mountain Region in the central, Silopi and Uludere districts of Şırnak, Kelmehmetler – Dönmezler-Kovankaya Region in the Beytüşşebap district of Şırnak, Tahtareş, Hüsrevpaşa-Suhurpaşayayla, İncebeldağları, Faraşin Regions, Altındağları Region within the borders of Beytüşşebap district of Şırnak province, Oymakaya Region within the borders of Beytüşşebap and Uludere districts of Şırnak province have been declared as temporary special security zones for 15 days between 29 September 2024 and 13 October 2024, and access to these regions has been banned.

(09/320) Ban of Access to Web Content…

It is learned from the news coverage of September 27, 2024, that, 1 social media post and 2 news reports on and, about the allegations that an advisor of Ülkü Ocakları chair was involved in an armed fight at the opening of an entertainment center which resulted in the death of one person, were banned from access by Kayseri Criminal Peace Judgeship No 4 on September 27, 2024.

It is learned from the news coverage of 28 September 2024 that, a total of 2 content on and related to the allegations of a fake diploma given by a fake university, were banned from access by Van Criminal Peace Court No 3 on 27 September 2024.

It is learned from the news coverage of 28 September 2024 that, 1 news report on the allegations that a sheik of a sect in Konya was marketing land with the words ‘these lands will be valuable when the messiah comes’ was banned from access by Konya Criminal Peace Court No 2 on 27 September 2024.

It is learned from the news coverage of 28 September 2024 that, 3 news reports on,, and and 3 content on a social media platform, about the allegation that Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) Chair hired his relatives at RTÜK, were banned from access by Ankara Criminal Peace Court No 8 on 28 September 2024; and that the content was ordered to be deleted.

(09/321) Detained People…

The Ministry of National Defence announced on 29 September 2024 that 9 people who were allegedly trying to illegally cross from Turkey to Greece and from Syria to Turkey were detained due to ‘being a member of an illegal organization’.

(09/322) Person Detained in Edirne…

It is learned from the news coverage of September 29, 2024 that, 1 person (F.K.) who was detained on September 27, 2024, on the grounds of trying to illegally cross from Edirne to Greece, was arrested by the criminal peace judgeship on the charge of ‘being a member of an illegal organization’.

[1]The reports on the human rights violations of the Documentation Center are claims unless they are certified. The claim of violation either is certified through thoroughly investigations of HRFT Documentation Center, including by judicial verdicts, and becomes a definite data or it is not included to the annual report.

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[5] Daily Human Rights Reports are prepared on the information gathered by the Documentation Center from its own network and the following dailies and internet portals: Vatan, Milliyet, Hürriyet, Habertürk, Evrensel, Birgün, Cumhuriyet, Fırat Haber Ajansı, Jinnews, ETHA, Mezopotamya Ajansı, Yurt, Yeni Yaşam, NTV, Yeni Asya, Bianet,, Cnnturk, Tr724, İleri Haber, Siyasi Haber, Alınteri, Kızılbayrak,, Yüksekova Haber, T24, Diken, Gazete Karınca, Gazete Duvar. Haber Sol, El Cezire, BBC, Deutsche Welle, Reuters, AFP.