
18 September 2024 HRFT Documentation Center Daily Human Rights Report

Human Rights Foundation of Turkey Documentation Center[1][2][3][4][5]

18 September 2024 Daily Human Rights Report

(09/156) Trans Women Who Lost Their Lives and Wounded Due to a Hate Attack in Diyarbakır…

It is learned from the news coverage of 18 September 2024 that, A. A. and İ. U. entered the house where 2 trans women (S. U. and G.) live in the Kayapınar district of Diyarbakır on 15 September 2024, attempted to extort them and attacked them with a knife when they resisted. It is reported that S. U. lost her life and G. was discharged from hospital after treatment. A. A and I. U., who were detained after the attack, were arrested by the court and the case was restricted.

(09/157) Operations and Attacks…

It is learned from the news coverage of 18 September 2024 that 2 militants died in clashes between Turkish Armed Forces units and HPG militants in the Zap area of the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) on 7 and 8 August 2024.

It is learned from the news coverage of September 18, 2024, that security forces launched an operation in rural areas of the Güldiken neighborhood of the Lice district of Diyarbakır on September 16, 2024, and detained 5 people including 3 children. It is also reported in the news that material damage occurred in some houses and crops of some people in the neighborhood were damaged due to the operation. Detained 5 people were released after statement procedures at the police station.

(09/158) Torture and Other Ill-Treatment in Diyarbakır…

It is learned from the news coverage of September 18, 2024, that people living in the Güldiken neighborhood of the Lice district of Diyarbakır were subjected to verbal violence by soldiers and threats of burning down the village during the operation launched by security forces in the rural areas of Güldiken neighborhood on September 16, 2024.

(09/159) Person Subjected to Physical Violence by a Deputy Mayor…

It is learned from the news coverage of 17 September 2024 that in the Yunak district of Konya, a person named Umut Tunç was subjected to threats and physical violence by Hüseyin Ürün, deputy mayor of Yunak district, and Hasan Kızılkuyu, nephew of Hüseyin Ürün, on the grounds of listening to loud music in his car. It is also reported in the news that Umut Tunç got a medical report from the hospital, documenting the physical violence he was subjected to, and filed a complaint against these 2 people.

Umut Tunç stated the following to the press about the physical violence he was subjected to: “Hasan Kızılkuyu cut in front of me while I was on my way down from the bazaar and threatened me saying, ‘Don’t honk your horn, don’t listen to loud music. We will shoot your feet and you will be crippled for life’ and threatened me. As I was going down again, Yunak Deputy Mayor Hüseyin Ürün cut in front of me with his car and ran after me with a stick in his hand. I could hardly throw myself into the petrol station. His nephew Hasan Kızılkuyu also attacked me. If not for the people there, they would have beaten me. Later in the evening when it got dark, they came again to talk to me. While they were talking to me, Hasan Kızılkuyu punched me in my left eye and swore at me. Just as they were about to get in the car and leave, Hasan Kızılkuyu attacked me again. The people there intervened again’.

(09/160) Torture and Other Ill-Treatment in Prison…

It is learned from the news coverage of 17 September 2024 that political prisoners in Izmir Aliağa Women’s Prison were not allowed to make weekly half-hour video calls and were allowed to make 10-minute audio calls instead.

(09/161) Police Intervention Against a Protest in Ankara…

The police intervened in the protest in front of the mining company in Ankara on September 17, 2024, against the dismissal of 7 workers of Fernas Mine in the Soma district of Manisa, owned by Justice and Development Party (AKP) Batman MP Ferhat Nasırlıoğlu, demanding the right to union organization. 25 people were detained by the police. 25 people were released after statement procedures.

(09/162) Police Intervention Against a Protest in Diyarbakır…

It is learned from the news coverage of September 17, 2024 that, on September 13, 2024, Dicle Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş. (DEDAŞ) teams accompanied by gendarmerie went to Karabudak neighborhood of the Çınar district of Diyarbakır, and intervened against the people protesting the dismantling of transformers in the village on the grounds of bill debt, by using physical violence; and detained 7 people on the grounds of ‘damaging public property’. Detained people were released after statement procedures at the prosecutor’s office. The names of detained people could not be learned.

(09/163) People Detained in Şırnak…

It is learned that at least 5 people were detained in house raids in Şırnak on September 17, 2024. The total number of detainees and the reason for detention could not be learned.

(09/164) Peace Signatory Academic Detained in Izmir…

On 18 September 2024, in a house raid in Izmir, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Zencir, who was dismissed from his job at Pamukkale University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health for being a peace signatory and is currently a board member of Ata Soyer Health and Policy Research Association, was detained through an investigation conducted by the Diyarbakır Public Prosecutor’s Office. Mehmet Zencir was released the same day after statement procedures at the police.

(09/165) Detained People…

On 18 September 2024, 18 people were detained in house raids in Izmir, Antalya, Kocaeli and Konya through an investigation of Izmir Public Prosecutor’s Office. It is reported that 18 people including Vedia Yeşim Bayanoğlu were detained. The detainees whose names are known are Vedia Yeşim Bayanoğlu, Serhat Öznur, Sevim Bakır and İbrahim Koşar.

(09/166) Former MP on Trial…

The final trial of the case against Musa Farisoğulları, former Diyarbakır MP of Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), was held at Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No 10 on September 18, 2024. The court sentenced Musa Farisoğulları to 5 months on the charge of ‘opposing Law No 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations’ and acquitted him on the charges of ‘being a member of an illegal organization’ and ‘making propaganda for an illegal organization’.

(09/167) Writer on Trial in Istanbul…

The first trial of the case against writer Yavuz Ekinci for his book ‘Rüyası Bölünenler’ published by Doğan Kitap in 2014, started on 18 September 2024 at Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 23. The indictment demands a sentence for Yavuz Ekinci on the charge of ‘making propaganda for an illegal organization’. The court adjourned the hearing to 9 December 2024.

The book in question was ordered to be confiscated by the Istanbul 7th Criminal Peace Judgeship on 14 March 2023.

(09/168) Life/Environment Defenders on Trial in Çanakkale…

The trial of the case against 5 life/environment defenders (Süheyla Doğan Ünal, Emine Çelik Adıgüzel, Filiz Taşezen, Seyhan Yüksek and Meryem Esenay Hacıosmanoğlu) for the press statement held on 20 June 2023 against the cancellation of Kazdağı Ekofest, an ecology festival organised by Kazdağı Association for the Protection of Natural and Cultural Assets, by the Bayramiç District Governorate on 2023, started on 17 September 2024 at Bayramiç Penal Court of First Instance. The indictment demands a sentence for 5 people on the charge of ‘violating Law on Meetings and Demonstrations No 2911’. The court adjourned the trial to 5 November 2024.

(09/169) Person on Trial in Diyarbakır…

The trial of the case against 1 person (Halise Aksoy) was held at Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No 10 on September 18, 2024. The indictment demands a sentence for Halise Aksoy on the charge of ‘being a member of an illegal organization’. The court adjourned the trial to 8 November 2024.

Halise Aksoy was arrested on 28 April 2023 and was released at the hearing of the case held on 19 April 2024.

(09/170) Police Officer on Trial in Istanbul…

The trial of the case against police chief Hanifi Zengin, on the charge of ‘simple injury’, for detaining Ekinsu Danış, advisor of Labour Party (EMEP) MP İskender Bayhan, with torture and ill-treatment during the 957th-week protest of Saturday Mothers/People, was held at Istanbul Penal Court of First Instance No 16 on September 17, 2024. The prosecutor declared the final opinion on the case and demanded the acquittal of the defendant. The court adjourned the trial to 3 October 2024.

(09/171) Journalist Under Investigation in Diyarbakır…

It is learned from the news coverage of 17 September 2024 that an investigation was initiated against journalist Medine Mamedoğlu for her news reports and social media posts on fires in Mardin and Diyarbakır on 20 June 2024, on the grounds of ‘publicly disseminating misleading information’ and that the journalist gave her official statement through the investigation.

(09/172) Ban of Access to Web Content…

It is learned from the news coverage of 18 September 2024 that, Umut Newspaper’s website www.umutgazetesi43.orgwas banned on the grounds of national security and protection of public order, by Bursa Criminal Peace Judgeship No 6 on 16 September 2024.

(09/173) People Detained and Arrested in Muğla…

Ministry of Interior announced on 17 September 2024 that 15 people were detained in Muğla in alleged attempt to illegally flee the country. 13 people were arrested, 9 of them on the charge of ‘being a member of an illegal organization’. 2 people were released on judicial control conditions.

(09/174) People Detained in Izmir…

On 18 September 2024, 22 people were detained in house raids in Izmir on the grounds of ‘having denunciations against them’, ‘being a member of an illegal organization’, ‘using ByLock’, and ‘suspicious transactions in BankAsya’.

[1]The reports on the human rights violations of the Documentation Center are claims unless they are certified. The claim of violation either is certified through thoroughly investigations of HRFT Documentation Center, including by judicial verdicts, and becomes a definite data or it is not included to the annual report.

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[5] Daily Human Rights Reports are prepared on the information gathered by the Documentation Center from its own network and the following dailies and internet portals: Vatan, Milliyet, Hürriyet, Habertürk, Evrensel, Birgün, Cumhuriyet, Fırat Haber Ajansı, Jinnews, ETHA, Mezopotamya Ajansı, Yurt, Yeni Yaşam, NTV, Yeni Asya, Bianet,, Cnnturk, Tr724, İleri Haber, Siyasi Haber, Alınteri, Kızılbayrak,, Yüksekova Haber, T24, Diken, Gazete Karınca, Gazete Duvar. Haber Sol, El Cezire, BBC, Deutsche Welle, Reuters, AFP.