
14-16 September 2024 HRFT Documentation Center Daily Human Rights Report

Human Rights Foundation of Turkey Documentation Center[1][2][3][4][5]

14-16 September 2024 Daily Human Rights Report

(09/130) Operations and Attacks…

It is learned from the news coverage of 14 September 2024 that, 2 militants died in clashes between Turkish Armed Forces units and HPG militants in the Zap region of the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in July 2024.

(09/131) Prisoner Who Lost His Life in Prison…

It is learned from the news coverage of 13 September 2024 that, 1 prisoner named N. H. lost his life due to a landslide during a drainage work in Burdur Open Prison. It is also reported in the news that an investigation was initiated.

(09/132) Prevention of Right to Health in Prison…

It is learned from the news coverage of 13 September 2024 that, Zerdeşt Oduncu, a prisoner in Antalya High Security Prison was examined in handcuffs in the prison infirmary and was not taken to the hospital for burns on his body although he was referred to hospital.

Zerdeşt Oduncu’s mother Selma Oduncu stated the following to the press: “His wounds were inflamed because he had set his body on fire before. He stated that he had been referred to the faculty for months but they did not take him there. His wounds were bruised. When they took him to the infirmary, they examined him with handcuffs on his hands. He said that his hands were bruised and sore because of the handcuffs. He said that he was not treated when they took him to the infirmary and that soldiers tortured him on the way”.

(09/133) Torture and Other Ill-Treatment Under Custody…

It is learned from the news coverage of 13 September 2024 that, 9 women and LGBTI+ persons who were detained in the police intervention to 2 separate protests in the Kadıköy and Beyoğlu districts of Istanbul on 8 September 2024, after Narin Güran (8, k), who was not heard from since 21 August 2024, was found dead, were subjected to sexual harassment of male police officers under custody. It is reported in the news that 9 people were stripped of their clothes by male police officers and their photographs were taken, some photographs of torture and ill-treatment on their mobile phones were forcibly deleted by the police, and police officers did not leave the room during medical examination at the hospital, and torture and ill-treatment to which 9 people were subjected were not included in the report written by the physician.

Yasemin Aladağ, one of the detainees, stated the following about the torture and ill-treatment they were subjected to in her statements to the press: “Women were subjected to sexual harassment by police officers of the Istanbul Police. The images of our friends, whose clothes were removed during the physical assault, were taken with the personal mobile phones of male police officers. Male police officers continued to harass our women and LGBTIQ+ friends through surveillance despite the end of the detention process”.

(09/134) Police Intervention Against a Worker Protest in Istanbul…

It is learned from the news coverage of September 13, 2024 that, the police intervened with tear gas against Polonez workers who had a peaceful demonstration in front of the factory in the Çatalca district of Istanbul, about the dismissal of workers who were union members against violations at their workplace; and that Çatalca District Police Chief Ali Osman Turhan strangled a worker who participated in the protest. It is reported that no one was detained in the intervention, 7 people were injured and hospitalised.

(09/135) Gendarmerie Intervention Against a Protest in Muğla…

It is learned that on September 15, 2024, the gendarmerie intervened in the protest of workers demanding right to union organization after 7 workers of Fernas Mine, owned by AKP Batman MP Ferhat Nasırlıoğlu, who were dismissed from Fernas Mine in the Soma district of Manisa, on the grounds of union membership, in front of Cape Bodrum Luxury, the hotel of the mine owner in Bodrum district of Muğla, and detained people including Independent Mine Workers’ Union Organising Expert and union lawyer. The total number of detainees and names of detainees could not be learned.

(09/136) Police Intervention Against a Worker Protest in Istanbul…

It is learned from the news coverage of September 16, 2024, that, the police used tear gas to intervene against Polonez workers who had a peaceful demonstration in front of the factory in the Çatalca district of Istanbul, about the dismissal of union members against violations at their workplace, and detained 80 people including union representatives and Furkan Seyhan, provincial secretary of Workers’ Party of Turkey (TİP). It is also reported that some people were hospitalized due to police intervention.

(09/137) People Detained in Artvin…

2 people (Yıllar Kibar, Mutlu Akyüz) who were detained in house raids on September 7, 2024, on the grounds of ongoing protests about Reşit Kibar’s death due to the fire opened by Muhammet Ustabaş against life/environment defenders protesting in the Cankurtaran area of Borçka district of Artvin on September 3, 2024, were arrested on September 13, 2024 on the allegation of ‘arson’ upon the objection of Public Prosecutor’s Office to the court’s decision to release them on judicial control conditions.

(09/138) People Detained and Arrested in Istanbul…

6 of the 10 people who were detained on 10 September 2024 in house raids in different districts of Istanbul on the allegation of ‘being a member of an illegal organization’, were arrested by the Criminal Peace Judgeship on 13 September 2024 on the same allegation. 4 people were released on judicial control conditions.

(09/139) Journalist Arrested in Mardin…

It is learned from the news coverage of 15 September 2024 that, Murat Verim, a reporter of DİHA which was closed down by a state of emergency decree, was arrested on the grounds of a finalized prison sentence and was sent to Mardin Midyat Prison.

(09/140) Journalists on Trial in Istanbul…

The trial of the case against the Managing Editor of Özgür Gündem newspaper İnan Kızılkaya, for the news report published on 31 May 2016 in Özgür Gündem newspaper which was closed down by a state of emergency decree, and İhsan Çaralan, who participated in the ‘Editor-in-Chief on Watch’ campaign to support Özgür Gündem and became Editor-in-Chief for 1 day, is held at Istanbul Penal Court of First Instance No 2 on 13 September 2024. The indictment demands a sentence for the journalists on the charge of ‘insulting the President’. The court adjourned the hearing to 22 November 2024.

(09/141) Discriminatory and Phobic Demonstration in Istanbul…

On 15 September 2024, an anti-LGBTI+ rally was held in Saraçhane Park in the Fatih district of Istanbul under the name of ‘Big Family Meeting’. In addition, mobile kiosks belonging to Fatih Municipality distributed food in the rally area, Üsküdar University Rector Nevzat Tarhan, who made a speech at the rally, used phobic expressions that criminalise and target LGBTI+s by referring to LGBTI+s as ‘gangs’, and Tülin Oygür, Chair of the Republican Women’s Association, called for the activities of LGBTI+ associations to be stopped and the associations to be closed down, lawyer Cüneyt Altıparmak stated during his speech that hormones used for gender affirmation process should be banned and some of the participants of the rally carried banners with discriminatory and phobic expressions such as ‘LGBTI+ keep your dirty hands off our children’.

(09/142) Special Security Zone in Şırnak…

The Governorate of Şırnak announced on 13 September 2024 that Bestler Dereler Region in the central district of Şırnak, Gabar Mountain Region in the central and Güçlükonak districts of Şırnak, Cudi Mountain Region in the central, Silopi and Cizre districts of Şırnak, Kurt Mountain Region in the central, Silopi and Uludere districts of Şırnak, Kelmehmetler-Dönmezler-Kovankay Region in the Beytüşşebap district of Şırnak, Tahtareş, Hüsrevpaşa-Suhurpaşayayla, İncebeldağları, Faraşin Regions, Altındağları Region within the borders of Beytüşşebap district of Şırnak province, Oymakaya regions within the borders of Beytüşşebap and Uludere districts of Şırnak province have been declared as temporary special security zones for 15 days between 14 September 2024 and 28 September 2024.

(09/143) Ban of Access to Web Content…

It is learned from the news coverage of 14 September 2024 that Etkin News Agency’s (ETHA) website www.etha53.comwas banned from access by Bursa Criminal Peace Judgeship No 2 on the grounds of national security and protection of public order, on 13 September 2024.

It is learned from the news coverage of 14 September 2024 that the website of Medya Radar news portal ( was banned from access by Istanbul Criminal Peace Judgeship No 6 on 13 September 2024.

[1]The reports on the human rights violations of the Documentation Center are claims unless they are certified. The claim of violation either is certified through thoroughly investigations of HRFT Documentation Center, including by judicial verdicts, and becomes a definite data or it is not included to the annual report.

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[5] Daily Human Rights Reports are prepared on the information gathered by the Documentation Center from its own network and the following dailies and internet portals: Vatan, Milliyet, Hürriyet, Habertürk, Evrensel, Birgün, Cumhuriyet, Fırat Haber Ajansı, Jinnews, ETHA, Mezopotamya Ajansı, Yurt, Yeni Yaşam, NTV, Yeni Asya, Bianet,, Cnnturk, Tr724, İleri Haber, Siyasi Haber, Alınteri, Kızılbayrak,, Yüksekova Haber, T24, Diken, Gazete Karınca, Gazete Duvar. Haber Sol, El Cezire, BBC, Deutsche Welle, Reuters, AFP.