
11 July 2024 HRFT Documentation Center Daily Human Rights Report

Human Rights Foundation of Turkey Documentation Center[1][2][3][4][5]

11 July 2024 Daily Human Rights Report

(07/109) Labor Killings…

Worker Health and Worker Safety Council (ISIG) announced on July 11, 2024, that at least 137 workers lost their lives while working in June 2024. Accordingly, in the first 6 months of 2024, at least 878 workers, including 33 women, 33 children, and 36 refugees/migrants, lost their lives in labor killings.

(07/110) Operations and Attacks…

It is learned from the news coverage of July 11, 2024, that 2 militants died in a clash between the security forces and HPG militants in the rural areas of Van on June 4, 2024.

(07/111) Armed Attack Against the Chair of a Professional Chamber…

It is learned from the news coverage of July 11, 2024, that Timur Sevi, council chair of Hakkari Yüksekova Chamber of Commerce and Industry, was subjected to an armed attack by anonymous people on July 10, 2024, and was wounded.

(07/112) Torture and Other Ill-Treatment in Urfa…

It is learned from the news coverage of July 10, 2024, that the police officers who stopped a person named N. H. regarding a denunciation in the Haliliye district of Urfa on July 7, 2024, subjected N. H. to physical violence and sprayed tear gas in his face at close range on the grounds that he raised his voice; that 5 people who went to help N. H. were also subjected to torture and ill-treatment by the same police officers; and that N. H.’s son H. A. H. was stripped of all his clothes by the police officers and held to garden bars. The police officers prevented the people who were recording the torture and ill-treatment on video, N. H., H. A. H. and S. H. were detained on the charges of ‘resisting to prevent duty’, ‘insult’ and ‘threat’ and were released after statement procedures at the police station. It is also reported in the news that people who were subjected to torture and ill-treatment by the police officers, obtained medical reports from the hospital and filed a complaint against police officers M. H., H. Ç., A. K. and Ş. B..

(07/113) Right to Access Health Prevented in Prison…

It is learned from the news coverage of July 11, 2024, that Yaşar Bayar, a prisoner in Giresun Espiye L Type Prison was not taken to prison infirmary and was not referred to hospital although he had vision loss and back pains.

Dilber Bayar, the wife of Yaşar Bayar, stated the following to the press: “My husband has a problem with his eye. His vision is gradually decreasing. However, he cannot receive treatment because he is not taken to the infirmary and hospital. He also has back pain. He needs treatment, but he is not being treated in prison. Both physically and psychologically his condition is not good. He is not taken to the hospital. Phone calls are interrupted. He already has a phone call with his family once every 15 days. Since there is no treatment, he does not know which medication to take. Since he is not taking medication, his illnesses are getting worse. If they take him to the hospital, he will have surgery on his eye, but they don’t take him”.

(07/114) Meeting Request with Abdullah Öcalan not Responded to…

It is learned that the appeal made on July 11, 2024, to the chief public prosecutor’s office in Bursa by lawyers in order to visit their clients PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, Ömer Hayri Konar, Hamili Yıldırım and Veysi Aktaş in İmralı Prison was not responded.

(07/115) Journalist Detained in Istanbul…

Journalist Sadık Topaloğlu was detained on July 10, 2024. The reason for his detention could not be learned.

(07/116) People Detained for the May 1 Celebrations…

On July 11, 2024, 6 people were detained in house raids in Izmir, on the grounds of ‘making propaganda for an illegal organization’, for the banners they were carrying during May 1 celebrations. Names of detained people are Didar Yalçın, Enes Güleli, Kaan Horoz, Ozan Adıyaman, Tahir Ada, E. M. K.

(07/117) Journalist on Trial in Istanbul…

The final hearing of the lawsuit filed against journalist Hayko Bağdat, based on his articles and social media posts between 2014 and 2018, was held at Istanbul Penal Court of First Instance No 50 on July 10, 2024. The court sentenced journalist Hayko Bağdat to 1 year 2 months and 17 days of imprisonment on the charge of ‘insulting the President’ and suspended the sentence, and acquitted him on the charges of ‘insulting a public official’ and ‘inciting hatred and hostility among the public’.

(07/118) Person on Trial for Social Media Posts in Istanbul…

The first trial of the case against Evren Barış Yavuz, on the grounds of an article on a website and a social media post, started on July 10, 2024, at Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 23. The prosecutor declared the final opinion on the case and demanded Evren Barış Yavuz to be sentenced for ‘making propaganda for an illegal organization’, ‘publicly insulting in a chain’ and ‘publicly spreading misleading information’. The court released Evren Barış Yavuz and adjourned the trial to October 30, 2024.

Evren Barış Yavuz was arrested on April 13, 2024.

(07/119) TİHEK Decision on the Torture and Other Ill-Treatment in Prison…

It is learned from the news coverage of July 10, 2024, that the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey (TİHEK) evaluated the application of a prisoner in Diyarbakır T Type Prison No 3 about being subjected to physical violence by correction officers and decided that the ban on ill-treatment was violated.

(07/120) Radio Channel whose Broadcasting License was Revoked by RTÜK…

It is learned from the news coverage of July 10, 2024, that the Administrative Court issued a stay of execution decision on the cancellation of the broadcasting license of Açık Radyo by RTÜK on the grounds that the channel continued broadcasting despite the administrative fine and 5-day broadcasting suspension imposed by the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) on the grounds of statements made by a guest on the radio show ‘Açık Gazete’ about the Armenian Genocide.

(07/121) Ban of Access to Web Content…

It is learned from the news coverage of July 10, 2024, that 1 news report titled “Family-owned T.C. firefighting seat: Scandalous appointment in The Hague”, which was published on, was banned from access by Ankara Criminal Peace Judgeship No 8 on July 9, 2024, on the grounds of violation of personal rights.

[1]The reports on the human rights violations of the Documentation Center are claims unless they are certified. The claim of violation either is certified through thoroughly investigations of HRFT Documentation Center, including by judicial verdicts, and becomes a definite data or it is not included to the annual report.

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[5] Daily Human Rights Reports are prepared on the information gathered by the Documentation Center from its own network and the following dailies and internet portals: Vatan, Milliyet, Hürriyet, Habertürk, Evrensel, Birgün, Cumhuriyet, Fırat Haber Ajansı, Jinnews, ETHA, Mezopotamya Ajansı, Yurt, Yeni Yaşam, NTV, Yeni Asya, Bianet,, Cnnturk, Tr724, İleri Haber, Siyasi Haber, Alınteri, Kızılbayrak,, Yüksekova Haber, T24, Diken, Gazete Karınca, Gazete Duvar. Haber Sol, El Cezire, BBC, Deutsche Welle, Reuters, AFP.