
10 September 2024 HRFT Documentation Center Daily Human Rights Report

Human Rights Foundation of Turkey Documentation Center[1][2][3][4][5]

10 September 2024 Daily Human Rights Report

(09/084) Operations and Attacks…

It is learned from the news coverage of 10 September 2024 that 3 militants died in the clashes between the Turkish Armed Forces units and HPG militants in the Haftanin area of the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) on 7 July and 17 September 2024.

(09/085) Soldier Who Lost His Life in Izmir…

The Ministry of National Defence (MSB) announced on 10 September 2024 that a soldier named Mehmet Kökçü died in a hospital in the Menemen district of Izmir after his health condition worsened.

(09/086) Iranian Refugee/Asylum Seeker Woman Subjected to Ill-Treatment by the Police in Istanbul…

It is learned from the news coverage of 10 September 2024 that, S., an Iranian woman refugee/asylum seeker who was subjected to sexual harassment and qualified sexual assault by a man named Faruk A. on 7 September 2024, was subjected to ill-treatment by the police officer on duty at Bahçelievler Family and Combating Violence Against Women Office where she went to file a criminal complaint against Faruk A. It is learned from the news reports that the police officer said to S.: ‘You do not have a residence permit, what can I do, this is the law, your time has expired. Do you have a camera in your house? You waited so long, why did you come back after 24 hours’. It is also stated in the news reports that S. was sent to the Removal Centre (GGM) after the statement procedures on the grounds that her residence permit expired and she was released after completing her documents.

(09/087) Journalist Threatened by an Anonymous Person in Diyarbakır…

It is learned from the news coverage of 9 September 2024 that Halk TV reporter Ferit Demir, who was following the funeral of Narin Güran (8, k), a child who was not heard from since 21 August 2024 and was found dead on 8 September 2024, was threatened to death by a person attending the funeral, saying ‘Actually we should kill you. Why are you saying these things?’.

(09/088) Prisoner Whose Release Was Postponed by the Prison Administration and Observation Board…

It is learned from the news coverage of September 10, 2024 that, the release of Mazlum Ari, a prisoner in Tekirdağ F Type Prison No 2, who completed the execution of his 10 years of imprisonment on September 10, 2024, was postponed for 3 months by the Prison Administration and Observation Board (İGK), on the grounds of a disciplinary penalty given by the prison administration on September 2, 2024, for rejecting strip search.

(09/089) Meeting Request with Abdullah Öcalan not Responded to…

It is learned that the appeal made on September 10, 2024, to the chief public prosecutor’s office in Bursa by lawyers in order to visit their clients PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, Ömer Hayri Konar, Hamili Yıldırım and Veysi Aktaş in İmralı Prison was not responded.

(09/090) Party Members Detained in Istanbul…

On 10 September 2024, 4 members of Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) were detained in house raids in Istanbul. The reason for the detention could not be learned. The names of the detainees are Mazlum Korkmaz, Yunus Eslan, Emrah Ekmekçi, Erkan Özmen. It is reported that 4 people were restricted from seeing their lawyers.

(09/091) People Detained in Istanbul…

On 10 September 2024, 3 people (Fırat Güner, Lütfü Kaya and Aziz Değirmenci) were detained in house raids in Istanbul. While the reason for the detention could not be learned, it is reported that a lawyer visit restriction was imposed on the investigation file of 3 people.

(09/092) Association Members and Others Detained in Izmir and Istanbul…

On 10 September 2024, 2 members of the Socialist Youth Associations Federation (SGDF), Özge Doğan and Yaren Tuncer, were detained in house raids through an investigation conducted by the Izmir Public Prosecutor’s Office. 2 other people (Meryem Yıldırım and Furkan Özdal) were detained in house raids in Izmir through the same investigation. The reason for the detention could not be learned.

(09/093) People Detained in Şırnak…

On 10 September 2024, 2 people (Nusret Kılıç and Azan Açan) were detained in house raids in the Cizre and Güçlükonak districts of Şırnak. The reason for the detention could not be learned.

(09/094) Police Intervention Against a Worker Protest in Istanbul…

On September 9, 2024, during police intervention against Polonez workers who held a peaceful demonstration and meeting in Istanbul, about dismissal of workers who are union members against violations at their workplace, it is learned that Çatalca Police Chief threatened the workers by saying ‘If I detain you and take you to judicial proceedings, even if your child is smart, he/she cannot get a job’. It is also reported that 6 workers were injured in the police intervention. It is not known whether anyone was detained during the intervention.

(09/095) Police Intervention Against the Protest Against the Murder of a Girl named Narin Güran in Ankara…

It is learned that on 9 September 2024, the police prevented the people who wanted to march from a subway exit to Sakarya Street in the Çankaya district of Ankara, with the call of Ankara Women’s Platform, about Narin Güran (8, k), who has not been heard from since 21 August 2024, and who was found dead on 8 September 2024; and that a lawyer named Deniz Can Aydın who opposed the police intervention was detained by the police. It is also reported in the news that people who wanted to march protested the police barricade with a sit-in protest and the march was held after the police barricade was removed.

(09/096) A Journalist on Trial in Istanbul…

The case against journalist Can Ataklı about his statements in a social media post continued at Istanbul Penal Court of First Instance No 5 on 10 September 2024. The indictment demands a sentence for Can Ataklı on the charge of ‘inciting the public to hatred and hostility or insulting them’. After the defense hearings, the court adjourned the trial to a later date.

(09/097) A Case Filed Against a Newspaper in Istanbul…

The trial of the lawsuit filed against the newspaper by the founder of SADAT on the grounds of ‘attacking personal rights’ due to the article titled ‘An Event: Allegations on SADAT and a Concept: Paramilitary Organisation’ published in a supplement of Evrensel newspaper, started on 10 September 2024 at Istanbul Bakırköy Commercial Court of First Instance No 4. After the defenses, the court adjourned the hearing to 28 January 2025.

(09/098) People on Trial in Hakkari…

On September 9, 2024, the first trial of the case against 19 people started at Hakkari Heavy Penal Court No 2 for the protest staged in Hakkari against the decision of Van Provincial Election Board to give the mandate to Abdulahat Arvas, Justice and Development Party (AKP) candidate who came second in the elections. The indictment demands a sentence for 19 people on the charges of ‘damaging public property’, ‘violating the Law on Meetings and Demonstrations No 2911’, ‘committing an offense on behalf of an illegal organization without being a member of it’, ‘resisting to prevent duty’. After defense hearings, the court released 19 people and adjourned the trial to a later date.

[1]The reports on the human rights violations of the Documentation Center are claims unless they are certified. The claim of violation either is certified through thoroughly investigations of HRFT Documentation Center, including by judicial verdicts, and becomes a definite data or it is not included to the annual report.

[2]To subscribe to the e-mail group: please write ‘daily human rights reports subscription application’ to the title of your e-mail and sent it to



[5] Daily Human Rights Reports are prepared on the information gathered by the Documentation Center from its own network and the following dailies and internet portals: Vatan, Milliyet, Hürriyet, Habertürk, Evrensel, Birgün, Cumhuriyet, Fırat Haber Ajansı, Jinnews, ETHA, Mezopotamya Ajansı, Yurt, Yeni Yaşam, NTV, Yeni Asya, Bianet,, Cnnturk, Tr724, İleri Haber, Siyasi Haber, Alınteri, Kızılbayrak,, Yüksekova Haber, T24, Diken, Gazete Karınca, Gazete Duvar. Haber Sol, El Cezire, BBC, Deutsche Welle, Reuters, AFP.