
23 May 2024 HRFT Documentation Center Daily Human Rights Report

Human Rights Foundation of Turkey Documentation Center[1][2][3][4][5]

23 May 2024 Daily Human Rights Report

(05/227) Operations and Attacks…

It is learned from the news coverage of May 22, 2024, that 2 militants died in a clash between Turkish Armed Forces units and HPG militants in the Hakurk area of the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) on April 23, 2024.

The Ministry of National Defense (“MSB”) announced on May 23, 2024, that 1 soldier (Vedat Zorba) was killed in an explosion during the “Pençe-Kilit” operation in KRG borders.

(05/228) Torture and Other Ill-Treatment in Prison…

According to the ‘Prisoners Report’ prepared by the Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD), Human Rights Association (İHD) and Urfa Bar Association and announced with a press statement in front of the Urfa Bar Association building on May 22, 2024, the release of 17 prisoners (Nurullah Tutal, Mustafa Mak, Suat Berlik, Hakan Ergün, Cihat Osman, Muhammed, Ahmed Isa, Şeracettin Yüksekbağ, Ahmet Yılmaz, Enver Kanmaz, Serhat Bulut, Yılmaz Rüzgar, İrfan Kiper, Süleyman Deviren, İsmail Hakkı Tursun, Hidayet Düger and İsmail Kaplan) were prevented by the prison administration and observation boards, 34 prisoners were transferred to other prisons against their will in the last 2 months and prisoners who do not speak Turkish were not provided with interpreters.

(05/229) Prevention of Right to Health in Prison…

It is learned from the news coverage of May 23, 2024, that Selver Yıldırım, a prisoner in Ankara Sincan Women’s Prison with 85% vision loss, was not given a magnifying glass and sunglasses by the prison administration on the grounds of ‘security’.

(05/230) Meeting Request with Abdullah Öcalan not Responded to…

It is learned that the appeal made on May 23, 2024, to the chief public prosecutor’s office in Bursa by lawyers to visit their clients PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, Ömer Hayri Konar, Hamili Yıldırım and Veysi Aktaş in İmralı Prison was not responded.

(05/231) March 31st Elections…

It is learned from the news coverage of May 22, 2024, that Kerem Taylan, the former Manisa provincial co-chair of Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), was detained in the Bulanık district of Muş on May 21, 2024, through an investigation of Manisa Public Prosecutor’s Office for his speeches in Manisa during March 31 elections. It is reported that Kerem Taylan was arrested by the Criminal Peace Judgeship on May 22, 2024, on the charge of ‘making propaganda for an illegal organization’.

(05/232) The Gezi Case…

The retrial of Ali Hakan Altınay, Yiğit Ali Ekmekçi and Ayşe Mücella Yapıcı continued on May 22, 2024, at Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 13, following the reversal of the 18 years imprisonment sentence given to 17 people at Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 13 for the Gezi Park protests in 2013. The indictment demands a sentence for 3 people on the charge of ‘violating Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations’. The court adjourned the trial to October 9, 2024.

On April 22 and 25, 2022, the final hearing of the lawsuit filed against Ali Hakan Altınay, Yiğit Ali Ekmekçi and Ayşe Mücella Yapıcı due to the Gezi Park protests in 2013 was held at Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No 13. On September 28, 2023, the 3rd Criminal Chamber of the Court of Cassation overturned the 18-year prison sentence against Ali Hakan Altınay, Yiğit Ali Ekmekçi and Ayşe Mücella Yapıcı on the grounds that their actions were not within the scope of ‘aiding the attempt to overthrow the government of the Republic of Turkey’ and stated that their actions should be evaluated within the scope of ‘opposition to the Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations’. The Court of Cassation had also ruled for the release of 3 people on judicial control conditions. In the hearing held on February 21, 2024, it was decided to lift the judicial control conditions for 3 people.

(05/233) Former City Council Member on Trial in Diyarbakır…

The trial of the case against Ceylan Aslan, former member of Ergani District Municipality Assembly from HDP, for peaceful meetings, marches and events she participated in, continued on May 21, 2024 at Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No 11. The court adjourned the trial to October 23, 2024.

(05/234) Journalist on Trial in Diyarbakır…

The indictment prepared by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office against journalist Mehmet Güleş on the grounds of 5 posts he made on his social media account was accepted by Diyarbakır Heavy Penal Court No 4. The indictment demands a sentence for the journalist on the charge of ‘making propaganda for an illegal organization’. The first hearing of the case will be held on September 5, 2024.

(05/235) Journalist on Trial in Bursa…

It is learned from the news coverage of May 22, 2024, that the indictment prepared by Bursa Mudanya Public Prosecutor’s Office against journalist Bahadır Özgür for his expressions in a speech he made at Mudanya Book Fair, was accepted by Mudanya Penal Court of First Instance No 1. The indictment demands a sentence for the journalist on the charge of ‘insulting the State of the Republic of Turkey, the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, the Government of the Republic of Turkey, and the judicial organs’ as regulated in Article 301/1 of Turkish Penal Code (TCK).

(05/236) Person on Trial in Giresun…

The first trial of the case against Şaban Vatan, father of Rabia Naz Vatan (11) who was found injured in front of her house in the Eynesil district of Giresun on April 12, 2018, and died in hospital, for his social media posts, was held at Görele Penal Court of First Instance on May 22, 2024. The court acquitted Şaban Vatan on the charge of ‘publicly insulting the President in a chain’.

(05/237) Ban of Access to Web Content…

It is learned from the news coverage of May 22, 2024, that a total of 3 content about a business person on,, and  was banned from access by Istanbul Criminal Peace Judgeship No 2 on May 22, 2024, on the grounds of violation of personal rights.

[1]The reports on the human rights violations of the Documentation Center are claims unless they are certified. The claim of violation either is certified through thoroughly investigations of HRFT Documentation Center, including by judicial verdicts, and becomes a definite data or it is not included to the annual report.

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[5] Daily Human Rights Reports are prepared on the information gathered by the Documentation Center from its own network and the following dailies and internet portals: Vatan, Milliyet, Hürriyet, Habertürk, Evrensel, Birgün, Cumhuriyet, Fırat Haber Ajansı, Jinnews, ETHA, Mezopotamya Ajansı, Yurt, Yeni Yaşam, NTV, Yeni Asya, Bianet,, Cnnturk, Tr724, İleri Haber, Siyasi Haber, Alınteri, Kızılbayrak,, Yüksekova Haber, T24, Diken, Gazete Karınca, Gazete Duvar. Haber Sol, El Cezire, BBC, Deutsche Welle, Reuters, AFP.